Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Good Life Worth Preserving

So much has happened...and my desire to keep a record of my experiences has returned to me.

It was seven years ago in April of 2008 when I started the most profound, meaningful, and (now I can say) rewarding course correction of my life to date. I acknowledged that I was attracted to men and felt a gravitational pull to have dynamic intimate relationships with them. By ceasing my suppression and denial, I allowed my life to be valid and asserted that I could learn to accept myself unconditionally. I committed to stop denying my reality and step into it. Somehow and fortunately, I knew that I would struggle and I thought that if I kept a record of my experience that it would serve to help me find a direction when I got lost - so I started this blog and began to keep a record of my journey. And I've come back to read parts of my journey many, many times to orient myself or just to reminisce.

I want to start writing again to preserve the record, awakenings, lessons, trials, insights, and memories for my future self. Besides, journaling can be a therapeutic activity and I feel like this is a good life and I want to keep it good.

The video was my first recording with my helmet camera back in March of 2015 while I lived in Phoenix.